I used to work as a High School teacher in an English-speaking private school.


Much to my surprise, these youngsters started to speak English since they were 4. Sure, most of them are Asians- Japanese, Koreans and Chinese to name a few. However, once you hear them talk, you definitely would not want to welcome the idea that English is not their mother tongue. They speak as fluently as how American students do.


Equally important, English resources significantly aid in language learning. Textbooks are both written in Filipino and English. Filipino and History textbooks are written in Filipino, on the one hand, the rest of the subjects are written in English, not to mention- taught in English. In totality, students generally speak and learn English 6 hours a day in school or even more!

英語を学習するにあたって、適切な教材も(年齢と)同じくらい重要な役割を果たします。 教科書にはタガログ語と英語の両方が用いられています。 国語と歴史の教科書はタガログ語ですが、残りの教科は英語で、言うまでもなく授業も英語で行われています。つまり、生徒たちは学校で合計6時間以上、英語を話したり学んだりするのです!

Another point worth noting for is the English Only Policy (EOP). Most private schools implement this speaking policy to ensure that English is spoken while students are inside the school premises.


That is just not about it! To add incredulity to it, in some private schools in the Philippines, once your stern teacher catches you speaking in vernacular, you will be penalized. You might be intrigued how- it is either you will pay a fine (P5 per non-English word, this actually depends on how badly they want to punish you) or wear a placard all day (this also depends how strict your teacher is) with sentences like “I WILL SPEAK ENGLISH ALL THE TIME” or “I WILL NOT DO IT AGAIN”.

それだけではありません!信じがたいことに、いくつかの私立学校では、英語以外の言葉を話しているのを厳しい先生に見つかると罰を与えられます。気になる罰の内容ですが、罰金を支払うか(英語以外の単語、一語ごとに5ペソなど。先生があなたをどのくらい厳しく罰したいかによって変わります)、「私はずっと英語を話します」 とか 「もう二度とやりません」 などと書かれたプラカードを、一日中着用するか(これも先生がどのくらい厳しいかによります)です。

This reminds me of this petrifying experience I had way back in my 8th grade. I was caught by my teacher speaking Cebuano (Cebu’s dialect). As austere as she could be, she didn’t have second thoughts of punishing me in front of the entire class. I wanted to sink in and just disappear into thin air. With utmost fear of humiliation, I spoke English even after school hours. This is what a punishment does to a mischievous kid like me, but the rigorous training I had was undeniably valuable.


I also would like to emphasize that not all schools have this policy (that’s why I wrote “some”). The method of punishment depends on the teacher, so Filipino readers, try to recall what you have gone through.


Funny? Memorable? Or whatever you like to describe it. Absolutely.

面白い? 思い出深い? 人それぞれでしょう。その通りです。

Okay, so enough of the mischief and disbelief. I am not going to spend another minute scribbling about it.


Lastly, did you know that Filipinos are excellent imitators too? Filipinos welcome Western culture with arms wide open. Mothers often introduce Disney movies to their young girls and they start imitating Elsa, Snow White, Cinderella and other enchanting princesses at a very young age. That Frozen theme song- Let It Go, was a phenomenon in the Philippines. Little girls dress in Frozen-inspired costumes, which is way too adorable! As a matter of fact, we know and can even render that Taylor Swift or Justin Bieber song just like how they sang it! How cool is that?

最後に、フィリピン人はモノマネも上手だって知ってました? フィリピンは西洋文化にとてもオープン。 母親たちはディズニー映画を見せ、娘たちはとても幼い時にエルサ、白雪姫、シンデレラなどの魅力的な王女たちのマネをし始めます。 『アナと雪の女王(原題:”Frozen”)』のテーマソング“Let It Go”は、フィリピンでも大流行でした。 小さな女の子たちはアナ雪風の衣装を着ているのですが、すーっごい愛らしいんです! モノマネでテイラー・スウィフトやジャスティン・ビーバーの曲を、まるで本人が歌っているかのように見せることもできるんです! すごくないですか?

On top of that, we patronize Western products, get ourselves updated with Sports and News and, tediously fall in line just to watch the latest Spider-Man movie. This fact greatly influenced our lifestyle- way of speaking to add. For this reason, the Philippines is one of the countries with the most BPO companies and English Language schools, needless to say, Brighture, which continuously attracts English learners and puts the Philippines all over the map when it comes to Overseas English Education.

その上、私たちは欧米の製品を好み、スポーツとニュースを見て、スパイダーマンの最新作を見るために列をなすのです。 この西洋志向は、私たちのライフスタイルだけでなく話し方にも大きく影響を与えました。 このためフィリピンにはたくさんのBPO企業やBrightureを含めた語学学校があり、絶え間なく英語学習者を引き付け、海外での英語教育の分野において、フィリピンの知名度を上げています。

By and large, there are innumerable reasons why Filipinos can speak English. The points I mentioned are those that I believe prevalent among us. Yes, we were influenced, we are great imitators, and I do not see anything wrong with that at all.

この通り、フィリピン人が英語を話せる理由はたくさんあります。 私が挙げたポイントは、フィリピン人の中で一般的に考えられているものです。えぇ、私たちは欧米の影響を受けましたし、色んなものをマネしています。それを悪いこととは少しも思いません。

The beauty of this lies in the fact that English opens doors to the global scene making us Filipinos become the so called “universal people”, which gives us the ability to bridge the gaps between diverse cultures wherever our feet lead us.


Haruka Mishima